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Confession Preparation

Lesson #1

The First Commandment: “I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before me”.


The First Commandment is about always remembering that God is the most important person in your life. You show your love for Him through prayer, being proud of your faith, and being respectful in church.



Who is God?

    • God made everything: you, your family, the world, and the stars. He loves you more than anyone else.

    • Because God loves you so much, He wants you to love Him back and trust Him with everything.


Loving God Means...

    • We talk to Him through prayer.

    • We are proud to say that we believe in Him.

    • We go to church to spend time with Him.


Questions to Reflect on (using my own experience to explain to the child when I did or did not do it):

  • Did I Talk to God?

    • Simple question: Do you remember to pray in the morning or before bed? If you forget, don’t worry! Confession is a chance to say sorry to God.

    • Why it matters: Prayer is how we talk to God, like talking to a best friend. It shows that we love Him.


  • Did I Tell Others About God?

    • Simple question: When people ask you if you love God, do you say “Yes”?

    • Why it matters: If we love God, we shouldn't be afraid to tell others. It's like being proud of our family and friends!


  • How Do I Act in Church?

    • Simple question: When you come to church, do you listen to the priest and try to pray?

    • Why it matters: Church is where we gather to show God how much we love Him, and being respectful during the service is part of that.


  • Did I Stand Up for God?

    • Simple question: If someone says something mean about God or the Church, do you stand up for Him?

    • Why it matters: Just like you would stand up for your family or friends, you should also stand up for God.

Lesson #2

Second Commandment


This commandment teaches us to love God with all our heart, to always show respect for His name, and to honor the special things that belong to Him.


Explaining the Commandment in Simple Terms:


God’s Name is Holy

    • When we say “God,” “Jesus,” or talk about the saints, it’s important to remember that these names are very special.

    • Just like we don’t like it when people make fun of our names or our family’s names, we should never use God’s name in a careless or joking way.

      Sacred Things in the Church

    • The church, the altar, the Bible, and other holy items are special because they belong to God.

    • We should always be gentle and respectful when we’re near these things, just like we would be with something fragile or precious.

Questions to Reflect on for Confession:

  • Did I Use God’s Name with Respect?

    • Simple question: Have you ever said God’s name when you were angry or joking?

    • Why it matters: God’s name is special, and we should only use it when we are talking to Him in prayer or about Him with love.

  • Did I Make Fun of Church or Holy Things?

    • Simple question: Have you ever laughed during church or made fun of something holy, like the cross or the Bible?

    • Why it matters: The things in church help us to get closer to God, so we need to treat them with care and respect.

  • Did I Use Holy Words for Jokes?

    • Simple question: Have you ever used words like “holy” or “God” to make a joke?

    • Why it matters: These words are special and should be used to show love and respect for God, not to make people laugh.

  • Was I Gentle with Church Things?

    • Simple question: Have you ever touched something in church and been rough with it, or broken something?

    • Why it matters: The things in church are for God, so we must handle them carefully.

  • Did I Swear or Use Bad Words?

    • Simple question: Have you ever used bad words or sworn?

    • Why it matters: God wants us to speak kindly and respectfully. Using bad words hurts others and doesn’t show love.



Closing Prayer:

 “Dear God, thank You for loving us and giving us special things like Your name and Your church. Help us to always show respect and treat everything that belongs to You with love. Amen.”

Lesson #3

Third Commandment


"Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day."


God gave us Sundays and holy days to rest, worship Him, and spend time with family and loved ones. It’s a day to pray, go to church, and be thankful for all that God has given us.


Explaining the Commandment in Simple Terms:


What Makes Sunday Special?

    • Sunday is the day we celebrate Jesus' resurrection.

    • It’s a day to rest from work, go to church, pray, and spend time with family.

What Happens When We Skip Mass or Church?

    • We miss a chance to be with God and listen to His word.

    • It’s like skipping a birthday party for someone you love—God misses us when we don’t come!

Rest and Family Time are Important to God!

    • Sundays are for taking a break from work or school. God wants us to relax, enjoy time with family, and recharge for the week ahead.


Questions to Reflect on for Confession:


Did I Go to Church on Sundays and Holidays?

Simple question: Did you ever miss church on a Sunday or special holiday? Why?

Why it matters: Going to church is our way of showing love and thanks to God.

Did I Spend Sundays with Family and in Prayer?

Simple question: Do you pray or talk about God on Sundays with your family?

Why it matters: Prayer brings us closer to God and each other.


Did I Do Hard Work on Sundays Instead of Resting?


Simple question: Did you work really hard on a Sunday, even when you didn’t need to?


Why it matters: God gave us Sundays to rest and enjoy the good things He gave us.


Did I Try to Learn More About My Faith?


Simple question: Have you taken time to learn about God, Jesus, or the Bible?


Why it matters: God loves when we grow in faith, just like we grow in school!



Sundays are God’s gift to us! It’s not just about rules—it’s a time for rest, joy, and being close to God and family. We show God we love Him by going to church, praying, and relaxing with our loved ones.



Closing Prayer:

“Dear God, thank You for giving us Sundays to rest and be with You. Help us to remember to go to church, pray, and enjoy time with our families. Amen.”

Lesson #4

 The Fourth Commandment

Commandment: "Honor your father and your mother."


God wants us to show love, respect, and gratitude to our parents, family, teachers, and other leaders. They care for us, and when we honor them, we show love to God too.

What Does It Mean to Honor Someone?

Honoring means showing respect and kindness. This commandment reminds us to be polite, listen, and say “thank you” to those who care for us.


Who Should We Honor?

Parents: They take care of us every day.

Teachers: They help us learn new things.

Relatives and Leaders: They guide us and want the best for us.


Why Is Honoring Others Important?

When we show love and respect to parents and leaders, we also show love to God.

Everyone makes mistakes, but God asks us to be patient and kind, even when it’s hard.

Did I Respect My Parents?


Simple question: Did you listen when your parents asked you to do something?


Why it matters: Obeying parents shows them you love and trust them.


Was I Naughty or Disrespectful?


Simple question: Did you argue, shout, or say mean things to your parents, teachers, or relatives?

Why it matters: Using kind words helps keep peace in your family and with others.

Was I Ungrateful?

Simple question: Did you forget to say “thank you” when someone helped you?


Why it matters: Gratitude shows others that you appreciate them.


Did I Wish or Speak Evil of Others?

Simple question: Did you ever wish for something bad to happen to your parents or teachers, or talk badly about them?

Why it matters: God wants us to think kindly about others, even when we feel upset.



Closing Prayer:

“Dear God, thank You for my parents, teachers, and everyone who takes care of me. Help me to always listen, show respect, and be kind. Amen.”

 Lesson #5

The Fifth Commandment  "Thou shalt not kill."  


  God wants us to love and care for one another. This commandment isn’t just about not hurting others physically, but also about showing kindness and respect in all that we do.




      Explaining the Commandment in Simple Terms:      


     What Does It Mean to Love and Respect Others?      

      This commandment teaches us that we should avoid hurting others—not just physically but also with our words and actions.

      We show love for God by treating others gently, kindly, and with respect.


    How Can We Hurt Others Without Realizing?      

          Words:     When we say unkind things, make fun of others, or wish something bad for someone, it can hurt their feelings.  

          Actions:     Fighting, being rough, or being mean to others can also hurt people, and God doesn’t want that.  

          Choices:     When we encourage others to do something wrong or dangerous, we’re not showing love.


   Why Is Kindness Important?      

      God created everyone, and He loves each of us deeply. By being kind and forgiving, we share that love with others.




         Questions to Reflect on for Confession:      


       Did I Hurt Others with My Words or Actions?      

          Simple question:     Have you ever called someone a mean name, or hit, pushed, or argued with someone?  

          Why it matters:     God wants us to be gentle and loving, not hurtful.


       Did I Wish Something Bad for Someone?      

          Simple question:     Did you ever think or say something mean about someone?  

          Why it matters:     Even our thoughts and words matter. Wishing good for others shows love.


       Did I Make Someone Else Do Something Wrong?      

          Simple question:     Did you ever tell a friend to do something you knew was wrong?  

          Why it matters:     We need to help others make good choices, not lead them to trouble.


       Did I Forgive Others?      

          Simple question:     When someone hurt you, did you forgive them, or did you hold onto anger?  

          Why it matters:     Forgiving others helps us to live peacefully and makes God happy.

   The Fifth Commandment reminds us that we show God’s love by being kind, gentle, and forgiving. Even when we feel upset, God wants us to choose love and peace. By being careful with our words, actions, and choices, we show respect to others and honor God.

         Closing Prayer:      

“Dear God, thank You for giving me people to love and care for. Help me to be kind, gentle, and forgiving with my words and actions. Amen.”

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