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Marriage Preparation
Lesson #7
Finances and Stewardship in Marriage
Finances play a significant role in marriage, affecting not just material well-being but also emotional and spiritual harmony. As stewards of the gifts God has provided, Christian couples are called to manage their resources wisely, generously, and with transparency. Financial stewardship isn’t just about managing money; it’s about aligning financial practices with Christian values—where generosity, mutual trust, and responsibility guide decision-making.
Christian Principles of Financial Stewardship
Stewardship is about managing the resources God has entrusted to us. In marriage, this responsibility is shared between spouses. By recognizing that everything we have—time, money, talents—is a gift from God, we can approach finances with gratitude and intentionality.
Ownership vs. Stewardship:
A key principle of Christian stewardship is the understanding that we are not owners of our resources, but stewards. Everything ultimately belongs to God, and we are called to manage these resources according to His will.
The Call to Generosity:
Stewardship isn’t just about saving or budgeting; it’s also about giving. Generosity is at the heart of Christian stewardship. Whether giving to the Church, supporting charity, or helping those in need, sharing what we have is a way of honoring God’s blessings.
Trusting in God’s Providence:
Financial challenges can create anxiety, but trusting in God’s providence helps us approach finances with faith, knowing that He will provide for our needs as long as we manage our resources wisely and with integrity.
Budgeting and Managing Finances as a Couple
Financial unity is essential in marriage. Having a clear and realistic budget helps to ensure that both partners are on the same page when it comes to spending, saving, and giving. Open and regular communication about finances will also prevent misunderstandings and build trust.
Creating a Shared Budget:
Begin by reviewing your combined income and necessary expenses (e.g., housing, utilities, groceries). Then, discuss priorities like savings, debt management, and charitable giving. Create a budget that both partners are comfortable with and can realistically stick to.
Balancing Individual and Joint Financial Goals:
Each partner may have individual financial goals (e.g., saving for a personal project or investing in a hobby). It’s important to balance these personal goals with joint financial goals (e.g., buying a home, saving for children’s education, or retirement). Openly discussing and prioritizing these goals can prevent conflict and ensure financial harmony.
Emergency Fund:
Financial stewardship also means being prepared for the unexpected. Establishing an emergency fund is a critical step to safeguard against sudden expenses or job loss. Having this fund in place will give you peace of mind and greater security in your marriage.
Generosity as a Christian Virtue:
Financial stewardship goes beyond managing personal finances; it’s also about giving back to others. Generosity is a key aspect of financial stewardship in marriage. Discuss how you will give—whether it’s tithing to your church, supporting charitable causes, or offering help to those in need. The goal is to make generosity a natural part of your financial planning.
Financial Transparency:
In marriage, transparency is essential. Openly discussing finances, debts, and spending habits fosters trust. Regular check-ins about the budget, reviewing expenses together, and making joint decisions about larger purchases all contribute to financial harmony.
Avoiding Secrets:
Money is one of the leading causes of marital stress, particularly when one partner feels left in the dark about financial decisions. Couples should commit to full transparency in their financial life. This includes sharing financial accounts, discussing any significant debts, and making sure there are no financial secrets.
Financial stewardship in marriage is about more than just making ends meet; it’s about managing resources wisely, cultivating generosity, and maintaining trust through transparency. When couples align their financial habits with Christian principles, they not only safeguard their financial future but also grow in their shared commitment to love, trust, and service.
By embracing stewardship together, couples can navigate the financial challenges of life while building a stronger, more unified relationship. Let your financial decisions reflect your faith and your dedication to each other, knowing that your trust in God’s providence and your careful stewardship will carry you forward.
Lesson #8
Spiritual Life as a Couple
Marriage is more than a union of two people; it is a partnership grounded in faith and sustained by God’s grace. A strong spiritual life not only helps a couple grow closer to God, but also to each other. This lesson explores how couples can nurture their relationship through prayer, participation in the sacraments, and other spiritual practices. Strengthening your spiritual life as a couple will deepen your bond and help you navigate both the joys and challenges of married life.
Praying Together as a Couple and Family
Prayer is the cornerstone of a vibrant spiritual life, both individually and as a couple. Praying together invites God into your relationship and builds a deeper emotional and spiritual connection.
Why Pray Together?
Praying together strengthens unity. Whether it's saying daily prayers, a blessing before meals, or joining hands in prayer during difficult times, praying together allows you to present your shared hopes, fears, and desires to God.
Ways to Pray Together:
You can incorporate various forms of prayer into your daily routine:
Morning or Evening Prayers: Start or end your day with prayer.
Scripture Reflection: Read the Bible together and discuss how it applies to your life.
Rosary or Prayer Rule: Commit to regular prayers, such as the Rosary, or follow a set prayer rule according to your spiritual tradition.
Spontaneous Prayer: Simply take turns praying out loud for each other’s needs and concerns.
Participating in the Sacramental Life of the Church
The sacraments are a primary source of grace in the Christian life. Regular participation in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession, provides spiritual nourishment and strength for marriage.
The Eucharist: Source and Summit of Marriage
Receiving the Eucharist together not only strengthens your union with Christ but also deepens your marital bond. In the Eucharist, you receive the grace necessary to love each other with Christ’s love. Attending Divine Liturgy or Mass together should be central to your weekly routine.
Confession: Healing and Renewal
Confession allows each spouse to receive God’s forgiveness and healing. By regularly confessing your sins and receiving absolution, you open yourselves to grace that can help resolve conflicts, heal wounds, and offer fresh beginnings in your marriage. Private spiritual growth through Confession also supports the growth of your marriage.
Other Sacraments:
You may also want to deepen your connection to other sacraments, such as celebrating the anniversaries of your Baptism or Confirmation or participating in the Anointing of the Sick during times of illness.
Fasting, Almsgiving, and Other Spiritual Practices in Marriage
Fasting and almsgiving are not just individual disciplines but practices that can strengthen a marriage by encouraging shared sacrifices and service.
Fasting Together:
Fasting helps couples cultivate discipline and detachment from material comforts, allowing them to focus on their spiritual lives. Whether fasting during liturgical seasons like Lent or adopting a regular fasting day each week, these practices can be opportunities for shared spiritual growth.
Almsgiving and Service:
Serving others through acts of charity and almsgiving allows you to extend your love beyond your marriage to the wider community. Discuss ways you can serve together—whether through supporting your parish, volunteering, or donating to charitable causes.
Personal Spiritual Disciplines:
While fasting and almsgiving are important, you can also explore other spiritual disciplines that suit your marriage. These could include reading spiritual books together, participating in parish retreats, or making pilgrimages to holy sites.
The Importance of Confession and the Eucharist for Spiritual Growth
Confession and the Eucharist are central to spiritual renewal. They provide grace and healing not only for individual growth but also for the health of your marriage. Couples who regularly participate in these sacraments invite God’s grace into their relationship and grow in holiness together.
In marriage, it’s common to hurt one another through misunderstandings, harsh words, or neglect. Confession helps each spouse to receive God’s mercy and strengthens their resolve to forgive one another. Confessing regularly also helps to foster humility, which is essential for a healthy marriage.
The Eucharist:
The Eucharist is the source of spiritual sustenance for Christians. By receiving the Body and Blood of Christ together, you are united not only with God but with each other in a profound way. The Eucharist gives you the grace to persevere in your love and commitment to each other, even during times of trial.
Spiritual life in marriage is a continuous journey of growing closer to God and to each other. Through prayer, participation in the sacraments, and shared spiritual practices like fasting and almsgiving, couples can build a solid spiritual foundation that will sustain them through both the joys and challenges of life.
A marriage centered on Christ and strengthened by spiritual practices is one that can withstand the trials of life. By cultivating this spiritual foundation, you are not only nurturing your own relationship with God but also creating a legacy of faith that will influence your family and community for generations to come.