(807) 577-7720
COVID-19 Updates
Updated: APRIL 2022
• Effective March 21, 2022 the Government of the Province on Ontario announced the end of public masking requirements in most non-medical settings. Further directives may be received by the local district health units at anytime.
• People at higher risk for severe illness (e.g. seniors) are encouraged to wear a mask for greater protection. You are encouraged to wear a tight-fitting, well constructed mask if you feel it is the right choice for you.
• Per the Eparchial Worship Safe Guidelines (2022-03-21): Online participation in Divine Liturgy is no longer considered a fulfilment of one's obligation for Sundays and Feasts, with the exception of those in poor health, who would be unable to attend church in normal circumstances.
• Please continue to self-screen for Covid-19 symptoms and stay home if you are unwell.
• Enter through the front entrance only
• Use of the lift will be accessible for only one at a time (two at a time if in same family/household)
• Please use hand sanitizer in the Narthex prior to entering the church
• Please adhere to the 'traffic' arrows and sit in designated pews to maintain social distancing
• Only non-contact veneration of icons and crosses is permitted (i.e. no kissing of sacred objects) until further notice
• Distribution of Holy Eucharist will take place at the end of the Divine Liturgy
• There will be no collections during the service, a collection basket has been placed in the Narthex
If you are feeling unwell, stay home!